
Training, Life

My Fitness Journey - Weddings, Pregnancy and a Pandemic

I started my journey with Jtab Training in the spring of 2015. At the time my goal was to lose weight and tone up before my wedding that summer. I had never weight trained before, but as someone who had never been a fan of exercise, I was always on a mission to find something I could stick with.

I fell in love with strength training. In my 20’s it was a way to keep my weight down and look good in a dress. It was easy to stick to my 2 day a week routine, because the results were obvious and visible.

When I got pregnant with my first child in 2017, I used my time at Jtab to ensure I had a healthy pregnancy, free from as much discomfort as I could possibly be. And it worked! Toward the end of my pregnancy, I was in the gym just days before my daughter was born. The strength training I did while pregnant allowed me to have the endurance to push through 18 hours of unmedicated labor. I credit each of those workouts as giving me he strength I needed to get through those first few overwhelming weeks with a newborn.

After her birth, I was back  in the gym 8 weeks later. This time my goal was to get as close as  I could to my pre-pregnancy body. I used my time to restrengthen muscles that had laid dormant for weeks, and shed the excess fat that had accumulated from a few too many pregnancy cravings. It was tough at first, between balancing life with a new baby, a business, and a body that couldn’t do the things it used to. It felt like “starting over” again, building slowly back to up to weights that would have been easy for me pre-baby. But by sticking through it, I was able to hold an increasingly heavy baby, which become chasing after an increasingly mobile toddler.

Then the pandemic hit. And my goals shifted again. Working out no longer was strictly about how my body looked. It became an outlet for my sanity. It provided me a way to work through my frustrations at being locked in a house for months with a bored toddler. It was a way to process my emotions about losing my clients, one by one, as their business doors were shuttered from pandemic closures. It was a way to shift my attention away from the fear, and anxiety, and uncertainty, at least for a little while, and focus on self care.

However, like all businesses, the shut down of the Jtab gym and quarantine, meant I had to find this outlet at home now. And while that was good at the time, it meant that when the gym finally reopened, it felt like restarting again in a way. I didn’t have heavy weights at home, and going months without lifting them meant starting back towards the beginning again.

When I got pregnant again in early 2021, the plan was to continue to workout through my entire pregnancy. However, this time, things didn’t go completely as planned. Between a car accident that put me in early labor (and subsequently on multiple rounds of rest), and a toddler whose school was consistently being shut down during a Covid spike, I didn’t make it in nearly as much as I wanted to.

When my son was born in December, I realized what a toll this pregnancy took on my body. I had gained significantly more weight this time around, and now months of not working out  lead to a weak back, diastases separation in my core, and arms and legs that tired easy.

Now 11 weeks postpartum I finally returned to the gym. I am still 20 lbs heavier than I want to be, and can lift significantly less than I could before I left, but I’m ready to start over again.  My strength training journey has been a series of starts and restarts, but it’s been the only thing I’ve been able to stick with for all these years now. I may not always be where I want to be physically, but I know that staying consistent in my workouts is the only way I’m going to achieve my new goals. Goals which now include a little bit of everything - to stay strong and healthy for my kids, to maintain my sanity, and of course, to fit back into my jeans again.

I think the point of my story is to show that everyone’s relationship with working out changes and evolves over time. Your exercise journey is never a straight line up. It often includes hills and valleys, and could include multiple restarts, like mine does.

It doesn’t matter if your coming off of a pregnancy, an injury, an illness, or just a busy time in your life. It doesn’t matter if your goals are mental, physical, or to be able to button up  your jeans again. Jtab welcomes everyone, and will create custom programs to help you achieve those goals, and maybe surpass what you even thought you would be able to do.


What the Avengers can teach us about life now, the pandemic and fitness? Pt 1. Life in a Pandemic


1)    “I still believe in Heroes” – Nick Fury, Avengers

And by heroes we mean all the people like the Doctors, Nurses, all Hospital staffing, grocery store employees, delivery drivers, cleaning crews, restaurant staff, and the many others who are keeping this country (and world) running. If you are trying to help out in any way, you are the Heroes and we believe in you!  

2)    “Whatever it takes” – Captain America, End Game

We are being called on to do whatever it takes to rid this country (and World) of this virus. Join together and let’s do whatever it takes to overcome!

3)    “There was an idea, to bring together a group of remarkable people, to see if we could become something more” – Nick Fury, Avengers

Usually great things come from a group effort, so let’s keep united and fight as one! We can’t have people doing one thing and half the people doing another to fight this.

This also means keeping others in your thoughts when making decisions. Don’t hoard things you don’t need so other people don’t have to go without. Offer to pick up food for a neighbor who can’t leave their house. Share resources with those around you whenever you can.

4)    “Cause if we can’t protect the Earth, you can be damn sure we’ll Avenge it” – Iron Man, Avengers 1

If this isn’t relative now with protecting the Earth from this Virus, I don’t know what is. We can’t protect everything but we can avenge the pain that some have felt.

5)    “If we’re going to win this fight, some of us might have to lose it” – Barton (Hawkeye), Civil War

Unfortunately this rings true right now. Some of us have lost the fight but we will win the war over this Virus.

6)    “The city is flying and we’re fighting an army of robots, and I have a bow and arrow. None of this makes sense” He later goes on to say “But if you step out those doors, you are an Avenger” – Barton (Hawkeye), Avengers Age of Ultron

Make a decision and stick to it to be all in and help out during a crisis or stay inside and someone will come get you. If you can help, then decide how you are going to help and be “all in”.

7)    “With all that’s happening, the things that are about to come to light, people might need a little bit of old fashion” – Coulson, Avengers 1

After this is over, I think going back to old fashion communication might be in order. Re-connect with people, re-introduce yourself to neighbors, and town folk. Let’s re-learn how to speak in close proximity to people again.

It’s also the time to get back to some “old fashion” fitness in our homes. A lot of us no longer have access to fancy gyms and equipment anymore – but it doesn’t mean that you can’t stay strong.

8)    “No mistakes, no do-overs. Look out for each other. This is the fight of our lives” – Captain America, End Game

We don’t get do-overs in this life. Look out for your family, friends, co-workers during this crucial time. We are literally fighting for our lives or our family’s lives here.

9)     “The World has changed and none of us can go back. All we can do is our best, and sometimes the best that we can do is start over” – Peggy Carter, Captain America

We might not be able to go back to pre-virus days but we will start a new better life after this is over! Write it down, the World will be better when we “start over” and create a fresh start.

On a micro level, you can apply this to your day-to-day. Had a bad day? You can start over tomorrow. It doesn’t mean you have to totally give up on your fitness and nutrition goals, personal goals, or work goals because today didn’t work out as plan. Wake up tomorrow with a fresh start.

10)  “Today we don’t fight for one life, we fight for all of them” – Black Panther, Infinity War

Although we have lost people, we are still fighting the good fight to save as many as we can! So do your part to help the fight. Stay home as much as possible, social distance from those not in your immediate family, support local businesses when safe to do so, and look out for those who are the most vulnerable in our communities.