
Sprint for Fat Loss?

Usually we want to say “it’s a marathon, not a sprint” in the fitness field. This eases anxiety over having to look a certain way tomorrow or getting results like yesterday. Also, as many people know, if you want to do it right, it’s going to take time. While I completely agree with the above is most situations, I thing the opposite is true when it comes to fat loss. Here me out! I’m going to steal a saying from a World Renowned Strength Coach named Dan John.

"Fat loss is an all-out war. Give it 28 days – only 28 days. Attack it with all you have. It's not a lifestyle choice; it's a battle. Lose fat and then get back into moderation. There's another one for you: moderation. Revelation says it best: 'You are lukewarm and I shall spit you out.' Moderation is for sissies." - Dan John

He happens to have been a Theology Professor as well, hence the Revelations reading.

I think he’s onto something, and here’s why. How many of you out there have been “trying” to lose those 5-20lbs all year, depriving yourself of all of your favorite foods. How many OVERSTRESS about fat loss ALL YEAR LONG? How many people are “over it” cause it’s been 5,498 months straight they’ve thought about fat loss? And how many of you have done all of this and still aren’t seeing the scale change? I hear ya. It can be frustrating and cause undue stress.

So, instead of doing all of that, here's a better approach. Take one month, plan ahead when there are very few distractions (possibly a month or two before Summer “festivities arise”) and CRUSH it. Literally crush it. Get super strict tracking your calories and macros, and don’t allow yourself days to “cheat”. 30 days of work and see how much fat you can literally lose in 28-30 days. Even if you gain some of the weight back, you’ll most likely still be at a net lose. From only 1 month of extreme living. And to be honest it doesn’t have to be that extreme if you plan ahead with a Nutrition and Strength Coach (hmmm…wonder where you can find one of “those” peoples around).

Now, this doesn’t mean that the rest of the 11 months will be a free-for-all. There has to be a few “rules” to live by. Most of these rules center around moderation and portion control, so you can enjoy food, without undoing all of the work you’ve done.

Another benefit to going strict for a month? There is a hormonal adjustment to getting leaner. Your body becomes better at staying leaner and your body utilizes calories much better (hello insulin sensitivity).  

Ready to get started? Contact Coach Joey to set up a nutrition consult to put together the best plan for you and your goals.