

You Go-To Nutrition Advice


Here at Jtab Training I try my best to keep things as simple as possible. We all know, that especially when it comes to eating right, the more simple the program, the more likely you are to follow through. Below is my list of solid basic nutrition tips.  

For Fat Loss(accompanied with some strength training):

  1. Reduce starchy carbs:  pasta, rice, bread are not “necessity” for survival or optimal health.  Only have 1 serving, at most, each day.  Bread does not offer any nutritional value except added calories from carbs.  And yes, there are breads that offer added vitamins so it must be "ok" right? No, it’s not and shouldn't have a normal place in your fat loss nutritional plan.    
  2. Reduce sugar (both added sugar and natural sugar):  Sugar is sugar is sugar when it comes to fat loss.  Yes, blueberries are better than table sugar that you put in your coffee (please stop doing that by the way!) but it still has sugar.  Try to eliminate added sugar most days, and try to limit  berries (best bang for your nutritional/sugar buck in my opinion) once a day.  Sugar comes in many things (even salad dressings, etc..) so please read labels and be aware of what you are taking in.  The one exception to the sugar rule is right after a hard workout. You can “allow” yourself a few fast digesting carbs to help with muscle building and to replenish glycogen to muscles.
  3. Increase/maintain protein numbers:  If you are “dropping” carbs, you need to replace some of those calories with protein.  You must be at .7-1.0 grams of protein per pounds bodyweight when trying to lose fat yet still maintain muscle.  This can come from lean meats, eggs, protein powders (vegan or dairy based), fish, beans, or LOW SUGAR Greek yogurts (plain and add some berries on top if need to!).  No matter where you get your protein from, make sure AT LEAST the protein content is the highest macronutrient of the 3 (fat, carbs, protein).  That is a decent quick check to see if it is mainly a protein source or a fat source with some protein (such as peanut butter, almond butter, etc.)
  4. Keep the good fats in, get rid of the bad fat, and limit all fats since they are the highest calorie macro.  Fats have 9 calories/gram while carbs and protein have only 4.  That doesn’t mean you can have tons of carbs (see #1,#2), it just means be picky about what fats you will include.  And for the love of all that is sane, please stop eating/drinking man made fats and “vegetable fats”!  These include canola oil and trans fats.  The one vegetable fat that is acceptable is avocado oil(or avocadoes in general).  Good fats and oils you CAN include in your diet are olive oil, coconut oil (medium chain triglycerides), nuts, or seeds.  Remember, these must be eaten/drank in moderation due to their high calorie count!
  5. Veggies!  Yes to most and as much as you want!  They will help fill you up (higher fiber ones) which helps curb calories since most veggies are very, very low calorie.  Just don’t think about adding lots of oils or cheese on them if you are trying to cut calories.  
  6. Speaking of calories, you have to find your base calorie daily needs (find a good calculator online, Precision Nutrition has a great one) and start with reducing 100-500 calories a day from that number.  Reduce too many too quickly, and your body and hormones will actually go into starvation mode and will not produce the results you're looking for.  Need help finding a PN calculator to find a sweet spot of calories each day (message me or email!)  

There are 6 good tips to get you going.  Please reach out to me if you have any questions from these tips or anything else for fat loss!  


Convenient AND Healthy?

We live in a day and age where convenience is KING and time is of the essence.  If it takes more than a few seconds we “can’t” wait for it.  Our internet has gone from dial up (taking upwards of 10 minutes to get “online”, but now, if it takes longer than 15 seconds we start yelling at the computer!  To make matters worse nutrition has gone the same way.  Not many people have time (or patience) to prepare complete “healthy” lunches and breakfasts that take 5-25 minutes. While this doesn't seem like a big chunk of time, for many this is more than they can spare.

This shift if our culture has put a damper on our health, as quick “fast food” options are usually less desirable for our optimal health. Often times fast food options are high in sodium, high in fat, and VERY high in calories.  If you are watching what you put in your nutrition plan, you know that these are usually not the traits you look for in "healthy" foods. When look to lose weight, improve health, or simply lead a healthy lifestyle, than low calorie/high nutrient/clean calories should be the top of the list.  It is usually hard to find that in a convenient “package”.

Enter Purium’s Core 3 (or even just 2 of the 3).  Let me explain.  Most people think a salad is the epitome of quick convenient healthy nutrition.  There are many pitfalls in this.  First unless you put good quality protein source (whether that's vegan based like beans, or meat based like organic chicken or beef), you are still only getting a lot of carbs without the need protein.  Second, if you can only get down a salad with tons of dressing on it, you've now bumped up the calories so high that you've negated any healthy benefits in the first place. 

Purium’s CORE 3 is a combo of high quality protein, high quality veggie/phytonutrient shake and the highest ORAC value fruit drink.  When taken in the same day you get most of your veggie nutrition you need for the day, ALL of your fruit intake you need for the day and a good serving of protein that you need for each day.  

Power Shake- phytonutrients, greens, veggies, antioxidants, low sugar, low calorie, high nutrients, gluten free, organic


Super 23 Aminos- vegan protein source, high amino content, non-dairy, non-soy, physicians desk reference product, high protein


Apothe Cherry- tart cherry juice, 10 servings of fruit (half serving is all your fruit requirement for day!), no pesticides, natural sleep aid (melatonin found NATURALLY in Tart Cherries), super high antioxidants, 7,000 ORAC value per full serving


My recommendation is to drink a Power Shake and have 3-5 Amino tablets for a complete “fast food” quick breakfast or lunch.  This will give you all the green power you need and all the protein without the high calories you need for a complete meal.  If you need something to chew on while having this shake and tablets add in 3-6 almonds(depending on calorie needs) for a crunch and chew and some good fat, more fiber and even more protein.

So now there are no excuses for eating healthy on the go or in a time crunch! For more information or to place an order email Joey at


Old vs New

What a difference a year makes!

As JTab Training celebrated one year at our new location in East Greenwich, I have to look back at how far we’ve come and how much we’ve grown over the past year. Moving from a cramped 450 square feet to over 1,600 has completely transformed how our clients work out. For those who were with JTab at the old gym, you may remember strict work out schedules, less equipment and a much more crowded space. Now, at our new location we are able to fit over 10 clients at a time (with room to still move around), more equipment, and multiple trainers. Because of this, we can be much more flexible with the time people can show up to work out, as well as offer multiple options for trainers (although lets be honest, we all know who the best is….)



Another big change is that our clients all receive personalized sheets with a workout each visit. These sheets break down the days workout, as well as reminds everyone what they should be doing, how many reps they need to do and how much weight to add. This allows more people through while still getting my personalized attention. Some people like more direction during their workout, while others prefer just an intermittent check-in. With the sheets and the new space, I am able to effectively split my time between helping those that need it more and those who dont need as much attention.

With more people in the gym at one time, the open layout still allows me to see everyone working out at once. Even with multiple people working out at once, I can watch everyones form, help set up exercises and make sure everyone is working out safely and effectively.

While I will always be grateful for the business’ roots and where it started, I must say (and I hope my client’s agree!) that our new location has allowed for some awesome changes. While we may be here for the next few years, keep an eye out for even more changes in the future. Like our clients strength training, we are a work in progress, and will continue to grow bigger and stronger.